Boundary Fixing

Many clients have false expectations of what their boundary surveyor can achieve for them. These expectations arise out of a lack of knowledge, which is unsurprising given that very few landowners and homeowners have any education in land law.

Many landowners think that there must be some government-backed agency that has the authority to declare exactly where a property boundary is supposed to be. They soon discover that Land Registry is not that agency.

Service Features

  • Requirements for Medical Equipment

  • Medical Product Testing Solutions

  • Environmental & Regulatory Services

  • Medical Management Systems Certification

  • Scientific Support Services

  • Clinical Research Services

How We Do It

The role of a chartered surveyor

Because of the complex nature of land records, and the absence of precise boundaries on most title deeds, a chartered surveyor is often required to help solve disputes. The surveyor will pursue several lines of enquiry, including investigating historical documents, physical features of the land and all the available legal documents. They will then be able to compile technical evidence to prove who owns the land. Usually this will solve the dispute, but if both parties still disagree the surveyor will act as an expert witness in court, which means they will provide the technical evidence and advice required for the court to make a decision.

How Master Surveyors assist you?

Master Surveyors provides you with access to impartial, expert advice from certified members about Boundary Disputes and the firms will be happy to offer you a free consultation about your specific issue.

Talk to a Survey Specialist Today!

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