Plot Survey And Plot Division

A plot division is a plan on a map in which a building block area designated in the detailed plan, or a part of it, is divided into plots. In Helsinki, plot divisions are composed as separate and binding plot divisions, meaning that plot divisions designated in detailed plans are only indicative.

A plot division involves determining the planned plots’ numbers, surface areas, boundary lengths, boundary points and their coordinates, the buildings in the area, and the real estates and parcels of land forming the plots and their sub-areas. If necessary, the plot division also addresses transport connections.

Before a plot division is drawn up, it is possible to order a division estimate for a fee to find various division alternatives.

Please apply for a plot division if a plot, premises or a parcel of land you own has not been formed into a plot in accordance with the detailed plan and plot division in force.

A plot means a real estate that has been formed in accordance with the binding plot division in force in the detailed plan area and entered into the real estate register as a plot. For example, building permits are not granted until the plot has been entered into the real estate register.

Please apply for a property definition if there are any unclear matters related to the extent of your real estate or its easement area. For example, if the locations of the boundaries or boundary markers of your real estate are unclear, you can apply for a boundary demarcation procedure.

A landowner or land holder can apply for a plot division, a plot division change and parcelling.

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